
This project extends our efforts to model intracellular regulatory processes to the communication between cells and organs. EndoNet is a novel database about the components of endocrine networks and their relations. It focuses on the endocrine cell-to-cell signaling and enables the analysis of human intercellular regulatory pathways.

In the EndoNet data model, two classes of components span a bipartite directed graph. One class represents the hormones (in the broadest sense) secreted by defined donor cells. The other class consists of the acceptor or target cells expressing the corresponding hormone receptors.The identity and anatomical environment of cell types, tissues and organs is defined through references to the Cytomer ontology.

EndoNet aims at bridging the existing gap between known genotypes and their molecular and clinical phenotypes, thus allowing utilization of EndoNet in medical research. The database is accessible at http://endonet.bioinf.med.uni-goettingen.de.

The project was funded in part by "Forschungs- und Berufungspool des Niedersächsischen Ministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kultur" (Kap. 06 08 TG 74), by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the National Genome Research Network (NGFN, grant NGFN2 / Biomed / SMP / Bioinformatik, FKZ: 01GR0-480), and by the EU FP7 grant "LipidomicNet" (contract number HEALTH 2007-2.1.1-6).


A lot of books

Dönitz, J. and Wingender, E.:
EndoNet: An information resource about the intercellular signaling network
BMC Systems Biol. 8, 49 (2014).

Dönitz, J., Goemann, B., Lizé, M., Michael, H., Sasse, N., Wingender, E. and Potapov, A. P.:
EndoNet: An information resource about regulatory networks of cell-to-cell communication
Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D689-D694 (2008).

Potapov, A., Liebich, I., Dönitz, J., Schwarzer, K., Sasse, N., Schoeps, T., Crass, T. and Wingender, E.:
EndoNet: An information resource about endocrine networks
Nucleic Acids Res. 34, D540-D545 (2006).

Link to EndoNet webservice

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